Friday, 6 May 2011

settings Upgrade To Windows Mobile 6.5

latest Windows Mobile 6.5 on your smartphones. Check out the videos. In the meantime, here are the quick rundown on the programs added, removed and etc.

Programs added (most of the apps included in the official ROM +):
- RAM Sweeper (this one is done by me and its not posted here at xda yet, more info soon)
- STaskManager (also developed by me)
- Album with facebook
- Modaco NoData
- Facebook app
- Pocket rar
- New google maps
- Working youtube version
- The ones in the changelog xD

Programs Removed
- Java
- PhoneCanvas
- MP3 Trimmer
- AutoUpdate
- Market (not working yet)
- Sample Music
.... (All useless parts)

- New theme with landscape support.
- Added tsowen's taskbar icons.
- UC Capable.
- Changed Topaz volumen control for the raphael one (this one have system and ring volume tabs)
- Changed default caculator for the diamond2 calculator.
- Changed pp to 10mb.
- Increased graphics cache.
- Fixed google maps shortcut.
- Fixed quickGPS.
- Changed incomming call to vibrate and ring.
- Added change screen, incall recorder, phm registry editor, chome editor.
- Updated / translated / new icon RAM Sweeper.
- Translated linterna, staskmanager and psshutxp.
- Added titanium weather (default city is barcelona, ​​you can change it from titanium weather) and opera favourites plugin to CHome
- Enabled taskmanager icon.
- Something else I don't remember ...

- Phonecanvas not added because of incompatibilites, anyways you can install it from a. Cab file
- Sometimes windwos dialer doesn't recognise the caller phone number when locked (microsoft fault ..), maybe copying your contacts to diamond memory will fix it (im not 100% since it happens only randomly)
= ===============================================================
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